Monday, August 2, 2010


Drew and Evelyn both take great delight in swinging. It has been one of our favorite activities this summer. I love to come to the front of Evelyn's swing because she just giggles with delight as you push her and she goes flying away. Drew only wishes there was a way to go even higher!

Cows and Company

Drew and I had a great time making cow masks for Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-Fil-A. Evelyn didn't really understand why we had to put them in front of our faces, but she enjoyed madly waving hers around.

If you are going to go to the mall dressed like a cow - be sure to go with a whole herd!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Camping Trip

The Johnson and Morgan boys went camping over the weekend. I think Drew's face here says it all - they had a great time!

The first thing Drew told me when he got home was that he cooked his own food (big pause) ON A STICK! This picture shows his friends and their sticks.

Drew didn't make it too far from the barn, but he had a great first horse ride.

And digging in the creek was a huge hit too.

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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Strawberry Picking

We had the most fun picking strawberries this summer! If you ask Drew if he helped to pick, he smiles broadly and says, "I ate the strawberries!" It is a wonder that he didn't make himself sick - I almost suggested that we pay for an extra pound! We did pretty well with our sun protection. Drew's TurkCel hat was quite a hit in the patch! (It was a promotional item from a company in Turkey - we love the little antenna!)

And the tractor was a big hit with Drew and the other kids. They all enjoyed their turns driving. We'll be heading back to Butler's for blueberries later this summer.

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial day

We had fun at the rehearsal for the National Memorial Day Concert on the Capitol Lawn this weekend. Drew pulled his wagon all the way from our house to the Capitol - we couldn't believe it!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Evelyn!

Evelyn seemed to enjoy being made much of for her birthday! We sang to her many times throughout the day, and she laughed and smiled each time. She loved eating cake with us!

Evelyn did a great job being a one-year-old when it came to her presents. She was far more interested in the wrapping than the gifts. Thank goodness she had a big brother to explore the new toys for her.

Then we had fun getting a special picture if the kids in our new playroom chair. They both like the new arrangement with more room for play, and the bright green chair.

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Cowgirl Evelyn

I think Evelyn will be a real horsewoman for the family. This picture begins to express the delight she had in her first ride on Drew's rocking horse. She giggled and laughed herself silly!

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Springtime in the yard

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Construction Birthday

We had a great time building at Drew's construction themed birthday party. The kids painted, bull dozed a tower of boxes with their bodies, and navigated a wagon load of lumber through a maze in the yard. We had fun fellowship with other moms and dads too! Not to mention a special guest appearance by Drew's dear Sunday School teacher Miss Leslie and her roommate Miss Kate.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

March trip to Grandma's house

And now for a little catching up! We had so much fun visiting Grandma Joyce in Albuquerque! Drew was pretty impressed with the hat he found at the Covered Wagon store. Evelyn had fun giggling for Grandma!

We had lots of great meals at Grandmas house, but she let us take her out one night to County Line BBQ, a must visit in Albuquerque!

I don't think I have ever gotten to play in the snow in 60 degree weather before - but here Drew and I are sledding. Since he kept landing in the snow, his jacket stayed on. The grown-ups were too hot!

And here we are in downtown Old Albuquerque. Thank you for a wonderful visit Grandma!

Spring in DC

Just a few cute shots of the kids and the beautiful spring we're enjoying!


We had a fun Easter Dinner at our house on Sunday. It was our first official holiday event with a kids table - wow! Evelyn had already been sent to nap by the time we took some pictures. Maybe we'll stage a few later in her Easter dress. Here's her cute little buddy Matthew Morgan who was still awake for a really cute picture, and down below you can see our other guests.

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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snowmaggeddon at the Johnson's House

Here's our house in the two feet of snow that fell on the DC area this weekend. We've had lots of fun having nearby friends over to play and eat with us, played in the snow and had lots of hot chocolate to drink.

Drew has taken up snow blowing as his new favorite passtime. He does not like to leave the house without his snow blower, a toy which you have seen in past appearances as a lawn mower. Even when the snow earlier last week had almost all melted away, we would seek out piles of snow to climb and push around with the snow blower. Looks like we'll be able to continue this game for a long time!

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