Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Evelyn!

Evelyn seemed to enjoy being made much of for her birthday! We sang to her many times throughout the day, and she laughed and smiled each time. She loved eating cake with us!

Evelyn did a great job being a one-year-old when it came to her presents. She was far more interested in the wrapping than the gifts. Thank goodness she had a big brother to explore the new toys for her.

Then we had fun getting a special picture if the kids in our new playroom chair. They both like the new arrangement with more room for play, and the bright green chair.

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Cowgirl Evelyn

I think Evelyn will be a real horsewoman for the family. This picture begins to express the delight she had in her first ride on Drew's rocking horse. She giggled and laughed herself silly!

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Springtime in the yard

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Construction Birthday

We had a great time building at Drew's construction themed birthday party. The kids painted, bull dozed a tower of boxes with their bodies, and navigated a wagon load of lumber through a maze in the yard. We had fun fellowship with other moms and dads too! Not to mention a special guest appearance by Drew's dear Sunday School teacher Miss Leslie and her roommate Miss Kate.