Sorry to be so long in writing, but we'll catch up here on the last few fun-filled days! Thursday was a fun day of touring with mom and dad for me, while Andy and Drew got to know the neighborhood a little better. We were all grateful to finally see the sunshine, but not as grateful as the people of Istanbul who hadn’t seen the sun in three weeks! You can see Mom and Dad here at the gate to Topkapi Palace, where the Sultans of the Ottoman Empire ruled.
We were properly impressed, as I’m sure was the intended effect! The tour included seeing the private living quarters of the sultans’ families - called the Harem, the public reception rooms, a collection of items from the royal treasury and the sultans’ collection of artifacts from Mecca, Medina and personal effects of the prophet Mohamed. It was certainly a place of power and intrigue - fratricide was a common part of determining ascension to the throne, and the Valide Sultan, the mother of the reigning sultan ruled the Harem, including which of the ladies of the Harem would see the Sultan...
In the evening, we were able to take Mom and Dad to one of our favorite restaurants in Istanbul, pronounced Chi-ya, to celebrate Andy’s birthday together. The food was excellent, and we were glad to finally have some lavash – a yummy bread that arrives at your table puffed up with steam fresh from the oven. Today, Jan. 12 is Andy’s actual birthday – Happy Birthday Sweetie!
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