If you had asked our kids two months ago what they were looking forward to about our sabbatical, they would have told you, "The Midnight Picnic!" This far north, the sun just barely sets and its light never departs in this season they call the "Simmer Dim." So as the light started to dim... around 10:30 pm Tuesday night, we packed up the car with a bag of firewood, yummy biscuits aka cookies, and a thermos of hot tea. The wind had been blowing all day, but the beach at the end of Muckle Roe island is in a valley, and there are two fire pits sheltered by the ruins of a stone fisherman's hut. So began the long, promised "Midnight Picnic."
Andy built up a great fire and the kids enjoyed their treats while remarking endlessly that they just weren't tired. It was pretty amazing to all be out on the beach until Midnight, exploring the rocks, scanning the heather covered hills for rabbits, and listening to the surf.
And of course, you just don't get over how light it is - at midnight!
Yes, a promise kept, and a wonderful memory made! We loved the midnight picnic! And, yes, in case you were wondering, there was no flash in any of these photos.
Awesome. Hope this was everything they hoped for and more.